- あなたのパリでのアーティスト生活(アマチュア、プロを問わず)
- あなたのオープンスタジオ
- あなたの考察のテーマ
- パリでの日常生活、お気に入りの場所
- プロ専用ですか?いいえ、誰でも参加できます。大切なのは善意だけです。
- どのアーティスト?全員です!ダンス、音楽、演劇、絵画、彫刻、写真、ビデオ、そしてヨガのような特定のスポーツまで。
- どのメディア?もちろんビデオです。
- どうすれば参加できますか?
1- 放送可能なビデオの題材を提供する。
- 報酬:このチャンネルは商業目的ではないので、報酬はありません。このチャンネルはアートの開かれた窓口であり、あなたのアート、作品、ノウハウを紹介することができます。
Hello everyone!
We recently took over the ‘souvenirs from earth’ TV channel.
We are going to renew the media content of the channel, with a focus on Asia.
My name is Romi and I'm in charge of the Asia department.
I'm looking for content for our channel: video art, reports.
If your material is produced in Japan, or in Japanese, it must be subtitled in English.
I'm also in charge of creating content on the theme of Asia, so I'm looking for subjects to film, such as
- your life as an artist in Paris (amateur or professional)
- your open workshops
- your subjects for reflection
- your daily life in Paris, the places you love
Questions and answers:
- Is it just for professionals? No, it's open to everyone, all that counts is goodwill.
- Which artists? All of them! Dance, music, theatre, painting, sculpture, photography, video, and even certain sports such as yoga.
- Which media? Video, of course.
- How can you take part?
1-Either by providing us with ready-to-broadcast video subjects
2-Either by being the subject of a video that I will make with you
3- Or by taking part in the filming (cameraman, script, hairdresser, make-up artist, sound, editing, translation, etc.).
- Remuneration: the channel has no commercial purpose, there is no remuneration. It's an open window on art, allowing you to showcase your art, your work and your know-how.
To take part is to be part of an exciting, unique and rare adventure.
Contact me for more information (English/French)
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